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2023-03-24 10:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 Abstractions抽象半导体与集成电路Semiconductor Technology 集成电路发明Intel Core i7 WaferIntegrated Circuit CostDefining PerformanceResponse Time and ThroughputRelative PerformanceMeasuring Execution TimeCPU ClockingCPU TimeCPU Time Example Instruction Count and CPICPI ExampleCPI in More DetailCPI Example Performance SummaryPower TrendsReducing PowerMultiprocessors(多核) SPEC CPU BenchmarkSPEC Power BenchmarkPitfall(陷阱): Amdahl’s LawFallacy谬误: Low Power at IdlePitfall: MIPS as a Performance MetricConcluding Remarks









计算机基础硬件 (2)


Opening the Box(Apple IPad2)


手机的内部结构 – 华为Mate30 Pro

主板(来自于 Tech Insights)


主板 背面




Inside the Processor (CPU)

Datapath(数据通路): performs operationson dataControl: sequences datapath, memory, …Register 寄存器Cache memory 缓存 Small, fast: SRAM(静态随机访问存储器) memory for immediate access to data


Intel Core i7-5960X



毅力号搭载的处理器是20多年前技术的产品。处理器型号为PowerPC 750处理器,与1998年苹果出品的iMac G3 电脑同款,PowerPC 750 处理器最高主频速度仅233MHz,且晶体管数量也只有600 万个,但单价仍高达20 万美元(约130万元)。抗辐射、耐寒冷-55~125℃

对比苹果最近推出的M1ARM 架构处理器拥有最高主频3.2GHz,晶体管数量达160 亿个。






Through the Looking Glass

LCD screen: picture elements (pixels像素)

Mirrors content of frame buffer memory帧缓冲存储器



PostPC device

Supersedes(取代)keyboard and mouseResistive阻性 and Capacitive容性types Most tablets, smart phones use capacitiveCapacitive allows multiple touches simultaneously(多点同时触控)


A Safe Place for Data

Volatile main memory(易失性主存)

Loses instructions and data when power off(断电)

Non-volatile secondary memory

Magnetic disk(磁盘)Flash memory(闪存)Optical disk (CDROM, DVD) 光盘

Networks 与其他计算机通信

Communication(通信), resource sharing(资源共享), nonlocal access(远程访问)

Local area network (LAN): Ethernet,局域网/以太网

Wide area network (WAN): the Internet,广域网/互联网

Wireless network: WiFi, Bluetooth(蓝牙)


计算机基础硬件 (3) image20220914082614522


The BIG Picture

Abstraction helps us deal with complexity Hide lower-level detail Instruction set architecture (ISA)指令集体系结构 The hardware/software (abstraction) interface Application< ---- > binary interface应用二进制接口 The ISA plus system software interface Implementation(区别于Architecture) The details underlying the interface 半导体与集成电路

Technology Trends 处理器和存储器制造技术–趋势

Electronics technology continues to evolve

Increased capacity and performanceReduced cost



Semiconductor Technology Silicon硅: semiconductor 半导体Add materials to transform properties属性: ConductorsInsulatorsSwitch








1958年9月,美国德州仪器公司的青年工程师杰克·基尔比(Jack Kilby),成功地将包括锗晶体管在内的五个元器件集成在一起,基于锗材料制作了一个叫做相移振荡器的简易集成电路,并于1959年2月申请了小型化的电子电路(Miniaturized Electronic Circuit)专利(专利号为No.31838743,批准时间为1964年6月26日),这就是世界上第一块锗集成电路。





Intel Core i7 Wafer 300mm wafer, 280 chips, 32nm technologyEach chip is 20.7 x 10.5 mm


Integrated Circuit Cost

C o s t p e r d i e =  Cost per wafer   Dies per wafer  ×  Yield  Cost per die =\frac{\text { Cost per wafer }}{\text { Dies per wafer } \times \text { Yield }} Costperdie= Dies per wafer × Yield  Cost per wafer ​

D i e s p e r w a f e r ≈ W a f e r a r e a / D i e a r e a Dies per wafer \approx Wafer area/Die area Diesperwafer≈Waferarea/Diearea

Y i e l d = 1 ( 1 + (  Defects per area  ×  Die area  / 2 ) ) 2 Yield =\frac{1}{(1+(\text { Defects per area } \times \text { Die area } / 2))^{2}} Yield=(1+( Defects per area × Die area /2))21​


Defects per area:单位面积缺陷

Die area:模具面积

Defining Performance Which airplane has the best performance? 从不同的方面进行考察。


Response Time and Throughput Response time响应时间 How long it takes to do a task(the time between the start and completion of a task) Throughput吞吐量 Total work done per unit timee.g., tasks/transactions/… per hour How are response time and throughput affected by Replacing the processor with a faster version? 改善处理器Adding more processors to do separate tasks? 添加更多的处理器Queue ?采用排队机制,改善吞吐量 We’ll focus on response time for now… Relative Performance

Define Performance = 1/Execution Time

“X is n time faster than Y”$Performance _{X} / Performance _{Y} = Execution time _{Y} / Execution time _{X}=n $

Example: time taken to run a program

10s on A, 15s on BExecution TimeB / Execution TimeA = 15s / 10s = 1.5So A is 1.5 times faster than B Measuring Execution Time Elapsed time 消逝时间 Total response time, including all aspects Processing, I/O, OS overhead, idle time Determines system performance CPU time(共享时,独自占用CPU时间) Time spent processing a given job Discounts I/O time, other jobs’ shares Comprises user CPU time and system CPU timeDifferent programs are affected differently by CPU and system performance CPU Clocking

Operation of digital hardware governed(掌控) by a constant-rate clock (数字同步电路)


Clock period: duration of a clock cycle e.g., 250ps = 0.25ns = 250×10^–12s Clock frequency (rate): cycles per second e.g., 4.0GHz = 4000MHz = 4.0×10^9Hz CPU Time

CPU Time = CPU Clock Cycles x Clock Cycle Time =  CPU Clock Cycles   Clock Rate  \frac{\text { CPU Clock Cycles }}{\text { Clock Rate }}  Clock Rate  CPU Clock Cycles ​

Performance improved by

Reducing number of clock cyclesIncreasing clock rateHardware designer must often trade off(折中)clock rate against cycle count CPU Time Example Computer A: 2GHz clock, 10s CPU timeDesigning Computer B Aim for 6s CPU timeCan do faster clock, but causes 1.2 × clock cycles How fast must Computer B clock be?

C l o c k C y c l e s A = C P U T i m e A × C l o c k R a t e A Clock Cycles _{A}= CPU Time _{A} \times Clock Rate _{A} ClockCyclesA​=CPUTimeA​×ClockRateA​

= 10   s × 2 G H z = 20 × 1 0 9 10 \mathrm{~s} \times 2 \mathrm{GHz}=20 \times 10^{9} 10 s×2GHz=20×109

= 1.2 × 20 × 1 0 9 6   s = 24 × 1 0 9 6   s = 4 G H z \frac{1.2 \times 20 \times 10^{9}}{6 \mathrm{~s}}=\frac{24 \times 10^{9}}{6 \mathrm{~s}}=4 \mathrm{GHz} 6 s1.2×20×109​=6 s24×109​=4GHz

Instruction Count and CPI

C l o c k C y c l e s = I n s t r u c t i o n C o u n t × C y c l e s p e r I n s t r u c t i o n Clock Cycles = Instruction Count \times Cycles per Instruction ClockCycles=InstructionCount×CyclesperInstruction

C P U T i m e = I n s t r u c t i o n C o u n t × C P I × C l o c k C y c l e T i m e CPUTime = Instruction Count \times CPI \times Clock Cycle Time CPUTime=InstructionCount×CPI×ClockCycleTime

=  Instruction Count  × C P I  Clock Rate  =\frac{\text { Instruction Count } \times \mathrm{CPI}}{\text { Clock Rate }} = Clock Rate  Instruction Count ×CPI​

Instruction Count for a program Determined by program, ISA and compiler Average cycles per instruction Determined by CPU hardwareIf different instructions have different CPI 指令具有不同CPI Average CPI affected by instruction mix CPI Example Computer A: Cycle Time = 250ps, CPI = 2.0Computer B: Cycle Time = 500ps, CPI = 1.2Same ISAWhich is faster, and by how much?


CPI in More Detail

If different instruction classes take different numbers 每指令类CPI不同,且指令出现频率不同

 Clock Cycles  = ∑ i = 1 n ( C P I i × Instruction Count  ⁡ i ) \text { Clock Cycles }=\sum_{\mathrm{i}=1}^{n}\left(\mathrm{CPI}_{\mathrm{i}} \times \operatorname{Instruction~Count~}_{\mathrm{i}}\right)  Clock Cycles =∑i=1n​(CPIi​×Instruction Count i​)

Weighted average CPI(平均CPI)

C P I =  Clock Cycles   Instruction Count  = ∑ i = 1 n ( C P I i ×  Instruction Count  i  Instruction Count  ) \mathrm{CPI}=\frac{\text { Clock Cycles }}{\text { Instruction Count }}=\sum_{\mathrm{i}=1}^{\mathrm{n}}\left(\mathrm{CPI}_{\mathrm{i}} \times \frac{\text { Instruction Count }_{\mathrm{i}}}{\text { Instruction Count }}\right) CPI= Instruction Count  Clock Cycles ​=∑i=1n​(CPIi​× Instruction Count  Instruction Count i​​)

CPI Example

Alternative compiled code sequences using instructions in classes A, B, C (三类指令)


Which code sequence executes the most instructions? sequence2

Which will be faster?

What is the CPI for each sequence?


Performance Summary

 CPU Time  =  Instructions   Program  ×  Clock cycles   Instruction  ×  Seconds   Clock cycle  \text { CPU Time }=\frac{\text { Instructions }}{\text { Program }} \times \frac{\text { Clock cycles }}{\text { Instruction }} \times \frac{\text { Seconds }}{\text { Clock cycle }}  CPU Time = Program  Instructions ​× Instruction  Clock cycles ​× Clock cycle  Seconds ​

Performance depends on

Algorithm: affects IC(指令数), possibly CPIProgramming language: affects IC, CPICompiler: affects IC, CPIInstruction set architecture: affects IC, CPI, Tc Power Trends


In CMOS IC technology

 Power  = 1 2  Capacitive load  ×  Voltage  2 ×  Frequency  \text { Power }=\frac{1}{2} \text { Capacitive load } \times \text { Voltage }^{2} \times \text { Frequency }  Power =21​ Capacitive load × Voltage 2× Frequency 

Capacitive load:负载电容。

Reducing Power

Suppose a new CPU has

85% of capacitive load of old CPU15% voltage and 15% frequency reduction

P new  P old  = C old  × 0.85 × ( V old  × 0.85 ) 2 × F old  × 0.85 C old  × V old  2 × F old  = 0.8 5 4 = 0.52 \frac{P_{\text {new }}}{P_{\text {old }}}=\frac{C_{\text {old }} \times 0.85 \times\left(V_{\text {old }} \times 0.85\right)^{2} \times F_{\text {old }} \times 0.85}{C_{\text {old }} \times V_{\text {old }}^{2} \times F_{\text {old }}}=0.85^{4}=0.52 Pold ​Pnew ​​=Cold ​×Vold 2​×Fold ​Cold ​×0.85×(Vold ​×0.85)2×Fold ​×0.85​=0.854=0.52

The power wall (功率墙) We can’t reduce voltage further 可能低压泄露We can’t remove more heat 可能sleep How else can we improve performance?


Constrained by power, instruction-level parallelism, memory latency(受到功率、指令级并行性、内存延迟的制约)

Multiprocessors(多核) Multicore microprocessors More than one processor per chip Requires explicitly parallel programming Compare with instruction level parallelism(e.g.流水线) Hardware executes multiple instructions at onceHidden from the programmer (程序员不可见) Hard to do Programming for performance 编程难度增加Load balancing 负载均衡Optimizing communication and synchronization

A R M提供更多计算核心




A R M多核高并发优势,匹配互联网分布式架构


随着多核A R M CPU的性能不断增强,应用领域不断扩展


A R M服务器级别处理器一览


SPEC CPU Benchmark Programs used to measure performance Supposedly typical of actual workload Standard Performance Evaluation Corp (SPEC) Develops benchmarks for CPU, I/O, Web, … SPEC CPU2006 Elapsed time to execute a selection of programs Negligible I/O, so focuses on CPU performance Normalize relative to reference machine(参考机器)Summarize as geometric mean of performance ratios CINT2006 (integer) and CFP2006 (floating-point)

∏ i = 1 n  Execution time ratio  i n \sqrt[n]{\prod_{\mathrm{i}=1}^{n} \text { Execution time ratio }_{i}} n∏i=1n​ Execution time ratio i​ ​

CINT2006 for Intel Core i7 920


SPEC Power Benchmark

Power consumption of server at different workload levels

Performance: ssj_ops/secPower: Watts (Joules/sec)


SPECpower_ssj2008 for Xeon X5650


Pitfall(陷阱): Amdahl’s Law

Improving an aspect of a computer and expecting a proportional improvement in overall performance

T improved  = T affected   improvement factor  + T unaffected  T_{\text {improved }}=\frac{T_{\text {affected }}}{\text { improvement factor }}+T_{\text {unaffected }} Timproved ​= improvement factor Taffected ​​+Tunaffected ​

Example: multiply accounts for 80s/100s


Amdahl’s law主要的用`途是指出了在计算机体系结构设计过程中,某个部件的优化对整个结构的优化帮助是有上限的,这个极限就是当S->时, speedup(E)= 1/(1-P);也从另外一个方面说明了在体系结构的优化设计过程中,应该挑选对整体有重大影响的部件来进行优化,以得到更好的结果。

Fallacy谬误: Low Power at Idle

Look back at i7 power benchmark

At 100% load: 258WAt 50% load: 170W (66%)At 10% load: 121W (47%)

Google data center

Mostly operates at 10% – 50% loadAt 100% load less than 1% of the time

Consider designing processors to make power proportional to load

Pitfall: MIPS as a Performance Metric

MIPS: Millions of Instructions Per Second

Doesn’t account for 考虑

Differences in ISAs between computersDifferences in complexity between instructions

 MIPS  =  Instruction count   Execution time  × 1 0 6 =  Instruction count   Instruction count  × C P I  Clock rate  × 1 0 6 =  Clock rate  C P I × 1 0 6 \begin{aligned} \text { MIPS } &=\frac{\text { Instruction count }}{\text { Execution time } \times 10^{6}} \\ &=\frac{\text { Instruction count }}{\frac{\text { Instruction count } \times \mathrm{CPI}}{\text { Clock rate }} \times 10^{6}}=\frac{\text { Clock rate }}{\mathrm{CPI} \times 10^{6}} \end{aligned}  MIPS ​= Execution time ×106 Instruction count ​= Clock rate  Instruction count ×CPI​×106 Instruction count ​=CPI×106 Clock rate ​​

CPI varies between programs on a given CPU

Concluding Remarks

Cost/performance is improving

Due to underlying technology development

Hierarchical layers of abstraction

In both hardware and software

Instruction set architecture

The hardware/software interface

Execution time: the best performance measure

Power is a limiting factor

Use parallelism to improve performance




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